Sunday, September 6, 2015

Lab 2 "The Cube"

This week, we are taking time to experience the Scientific Process. We are looking at a cube, with unique features on each face of the cube. We are to make observations about the features of the various faces of the cube to create a hypothesis of what is on the bottom of the cube (which we cannot see)

To begin, here are some observations I made of the sides of the cube I can see:

1. The two sets of opposing facing sides, that I can see, share the same color. There are white opposing sides and blue opposing sides. The top is red.

2. The two sets of opposing facing sides, that I can see, share the same first two letters of the name printed on the side. The blue sides both have names that begin with "Ro". The white sides both have names that begin with "Al". The red top has a name that begins with "F".

3. The names printed on opposing facing sides appear to have one male name and other female name. The blue sides have the names "Rob" and "Roberta". The white sides have "Alma" and "Alfred". The red top has the name "Frank".

4. There are numbers on all of the visible faces of the cube; two per face.

5. The blue sides appear to share the number "3" as one of two numbers.

6. The white sides appear to share the number "2" as one of two numbers.

7. The red side/top also bares two numbers. One is "4" and the other "5".

8. The number in the bottom corner appears to be the shared number of the two opposing sides.

9. The number in the top corner of the face appears to correlate with the number of letters in the name displayed on that particular face. The side with "Rob" has the number "3". The side printed with "Roberta" has the number "7".  The side printed with "Alfred" has the number "6". The side printed with  "Alma" has the number "4". The side printed with "Frank" has the number "5".

10.  The number of letters in each name displayed is one letter different than the last:  Rob(3), Alma(4), Frank (5), Alfred (6), Roberta (7).


I hypothesize the color of the absent face of the cube will be red. I believe it will have the number 4 in the lower corner of the face and the number 8 in the upper corner of the face. I believe the face will have a female name that is 8 letters long.

Reasons for my Hypothesis

I observed the opposite faces sharing a number of characteristics. Because of this, I created a hypothesis based on the absent face acting the same with its counter face, as the other faces of the cube had.

  • I believe the color of the absent face will be red, to correlate with its opposing face; as the other opposing faces have also shared the same color. 
  • I believe the number in the lower corner will be 4, to correlate with its opposing face, as the other opposing faces of the cube shared the same bottom number as well.
  •  I believe the name on the absent face will be a female name, as 'Frank' is a masculine name, and the other opposing faces have one male name, and the other female.  
  • I believe the name will be 8 letters long to continue the pattern of increasing the number of letters in the name by 1.  
  • I believe the name will begin with an "Fr", as the other opposing sides have shared the first two letters of their names; "Frank" is the opposing face of the absent face.

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